To recap some of the key points from the video:

  • All organisations which process Personal Data (storing is considered processing) are subject to these regulations. It applies just as much to voluntary / non-profit organisations like sports clubs, charities etc. as it does to “for profit” organisations.
  • Infringements of GDPR can cost up €20M or 4% of turnover (whichever is greater)
  • Your organisation is going to be affected in a number of ways. You’ll need to consider how:
  • Marketing, Staff Workload, Proof of Compliance, IT systems, Security, Cloud Services, Use of children's data, Retention Periods, 3rd Party relationships etc. …are affected by the regulations
  • Customers (and staff) have stronger rights as to how you can use their data. They can withdraw consent for direct marketing and profiling as well as object to the processing of their data full stop. This especially applies when you only process based on consent, rather than on a legal basis (i.e. on the basis of your contract with the customer / staff member)

Some of the Key Changes to Data Protection Law

GDPR is not something you can simply ignore and we at Mode 1 Analytics can help you from the start. A typical example of the first steps to GDPR compliance is this:

Every organisation will have different levels of need and work to perform in order to achieve compliance. So just enter your details in this form and we will contact you to arrange a noncommittal chat to discuss your specific needs. Alternatively, you can email or contact Brian on 087 2822234.

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